Love…one of the most used, abused and misused words in our vocabulary. As we approach Valentine’s Day, many people focus on love and on the exchange of material tokens as a symbol of love. This then begs the question…What is love? What is the standard by which love is measured?
Whenever these questions are asked, regardless of one’s religion, I think of 1 Corinthians 13, which tells us that love is kind, it is not easily angered, it protects and trusts, it keeps no record of wrongs, it is not self-seeking and love NEVER fails. In a world where so many people equate love with money, lust and control, this passage gives us a new criterion we can use as our standard, both in giving and receiving love.
How many of us have ever loved or been loved like this? This is the pinnacle of unconditional love. Many would say that to love like that is not humanly possible, but most of us have goals, because goals give our lives purpose, it gives us direction and something to strive towards. I therefore challenge you, to use this standard for love as the goal towards which you aspire, and when in any relationship, debating whether it is love, use this criterion to determine your answer.
Elizabeth Malcolm MEd, LPC